Bored. What else can you call it when you're sitting in class, doing basically nothing that actually has anything to do with the class, and you wish you could be anywhere else? I call it bored. I also call it 4th block. There's a power point on the overhead, something to do with Web Page design, maybe this'll be interesting, but I doubt it. It might be ok if we could just get started, but that's enough about this class.
5 Minutes Later
Ok, so some more about this class. This might actually be interesting. Our Web Page can be personal interest, so I've got mine narrowed down to 3 topics: M*A*S*H, Harry Potter, or Fan Fiction. Fan Fiction is winning, that way I can get my stuff out to the world through more than just I'll let ya know how this whole thing goes over.
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »
Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP »
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